March 31, 2010

@JanelleMonae feat. @TheRealBigBoi - Tightrope

you see her... 
but had know idea she got down...

116 thousand feet in the sky.

The fly @$$ Melody Ehsani known for her jewelry design and four-finger rings posted these on her blog... Can you believe these pictures were taken by Highburton, West Yorkshire-resident Robert Harrison using a helium balloon, a radio transmitter, a digital camera, and some duct tape...

Open Your Mind... Creativity & Dreaming do pay off. 

@MarcelDion - Mercury & The Moon

(MARS)cel's 2nd Official Mixtape
Mercury & The Moon
coming April 23rd.
featuring The Circle & many more.

@JoeyDiggs - Armageddon

There's a common misconception that this record is performed by Mischke who is actually a producer that 2M3 (2 Much) worked with when we were younger and just getting started and is an amazing producer and writer... however Mischke just PRODUCED this record... its actually performed by one of our homies Joey Diggs. He KILLED it... Download it.

Armageddon - Joey Diggs


AUDIO is back. I was just with my best homie's while they shot their Hype Williams directed music video for "Magnetic" ft. Akon... all I gotta say I can say is "wow"
Check out the record.

March 30, 2010

Levis = Steez

every single actor,actress,musician,politician. . .has atleast one pair. 
respect the denim.

Yah Diggy?!

peep my young bull Diggy Simmons on 106 & Park.
this kid has only been my friend for 2 weeks & i can tell he will be a great humble guy within this corrupted parallel universe we call the "Music Industry". Expect big things & a collaboration coming extremely soon "Chris King X Diggy Simmons = Classic Sh!t"


now i personally wanna apologize to the multiple followers of this blog here. me & the rest of The Circle aren't missing we been here! we been mostly tryna takeover twitter considering its the new hype now a days. either way get more familiar with the blog for the simple fact we about to take things to a new level with Viral Videos, mixtapes, more in Depth Post , More suprises & such. just stay tuned cause i know you've been pateintly waiting on this long journey to the top but me & the rest of the crew will NOT LET YOU DOWN! just keep supporting all of us and keep believing in The Circle. we gxtchu. we gon' hold it down like a fat girl on a seesaw (word to CRUMBZ!) peace y'all!

Legendary Entertainment Presents : BedRock

April 10th 2010 
it goes down.
my Circle brethren CRUMBZ is throwin' one hell of a shindig at Stingers in San Bernadino,CA
starting at 9:00 PM & please be aware The Circle will be up in here acting a damn fool! All Ladies get in for free before 10:30 PM dressed in lingerie' ! come & support!
(18+ Event | 21 to Drink)
Address: Stingers 194 W. Club Center Dr. San Bernadino Ca 92408

March 29, 2010

Dinoo Supreemo - Carry Out

"The Greatest Disappointment"

March 24, 2010

Creativity Is Key Freestyle


March 18, 2010


March 4, 2010

T-Rich "Roger Dat Freestyle" NEW 2010

Dinoo Supreemo - Let Me Clear My Throat

Dinoo Supreemo - Let Me Clear My Throat

From The Forthcoming Mixtape
"The Greatest Disappointment"
APRIL 5TH , 2010