December 30, 2008

Startercap (Snapback)


missmars said...

dast was hottttt u guys i loved da dance damn chris can't wait 4 09 4 all da 2 much gang 09 gonna b da yr 4 yall LUV YA xxx

BRii said...

lmao damn yall was gettin.
it cant wait for JAN 1st :]
cause my fam just mite kick me out my house cause ima be bumpin that mixtape all day every day

Anonymous said...

hahaha cali jerkinnn '
yall was gettin it !
=] cannt wait for the mixtapeee .

Rhy_UrNatural said...

lol u guys r funny xPP
love you guys! lol

cant wait for the mixtape ;]

sarinaa_xo said...

lol you guys are too cute =)
cant wait for the mixtap

JENNiE said...

Cali Jerkin...that was official lol yall was so into it and was gettin it haha cant wait for that mixtapee! 09 time to shine lets get it ! =D

2muchfrenchbabe said...

haha yu guys r so funny =]
<<<<<3 <3

KeKee said...

Yall are beyond funny...LMAO, my mama was laughin at yall like WTH?! haha...i got that mixtape chris, im actually listenin to it again and i listen to some while i was on my way to see some fireworks... 09 better be ready cuz they in for some shhh if yall up next!!

Love, Music, Life,
KeKe B.

Anonymous said...

how to jerk:

(step 1)
get the brightest skinnies from your sisters closet
-to tiight hiighly recommended

(step 2)
move legs from left to riight

(step 3)
get low to the floor
-real low

(step 4)
point at shit that isnt there

(step 5)
stic your tongue out like its hot outside

(step 6)
put your swagg onto it

(step 7)
throw up your set

(step 8)
be as GEEK'D up as possible

hahah (step 4) is jokes haha
